Am I Going Crazy or Is It a Spiritual Awakening?

dark night of the soul meaning sane vs insane in spirituality shamanic healing benefits shamanic initiation process signs of spiritual awakening soul seeking and deep healing spiritual awakening spiritual support system Sep 11, 2024

When it comes to a spiritual awakening, where is the line between sane and insane, or stable and unstable? With so many individuals reaching new states of awareness in a rapidly changing world, how to we learn to understand this dynamic for the individual, so we can better support ourselves and our loved ones?

There are so many opinions in the world today regarding spiritual belief systems and ways to improve our understanding of the one-ness we find ourselves in. It presents as more of a journey through a  labyrinth than a linear progression. What can be so challenging, is the complete abandonment of what feels right and wrong along the way. I have been pursuing a definition of a spiritual awakening for some time now, with a few options as my favourite so far;

1. The Dark Night of the Soul - technically a process of introspection, soul seeking and deep healing, mcuh like a personal winter.

2. A Spiritual or Shamanic Initiation - a calling to become a version of ourselves that could serve and help others along their spiritual path.

3. A Consciousness Upgrade - extending into higher states of self-awareness from a neurological, philosophical or mental framework which provides deeper insights into ourselves and the world we are interacting in.


Whether we agree on the above descriptors or not, there are often questions we ask ourselves along the way, showing very clearly an ability to internalised our experience.

  • Do I know what's happening to me or do I need help?

  • Can anyone fully understand what I'm going through?

  • How do I look after myself during the process, as well as explore this fully?


Our ability to internalise our experience and ask these questions is a sign of a healthy psyche that is going through a change. If you're interested in a in-depth explanation of how an awakening differs from a psychotic experience, check out the article below.

Spiritual Emergency PDF


When asking such questions, it's important to remember a few practical aspects that can help ground anyone during an awakening,

  • Awakenings are temporary transits that benefit personal evolution.

  • For someone who is experiencing strong "symptoms" of an awakening, this could look like mental instability or a mental breakdown to their loved ones.

  • A period of deep introspection and soul seeking benefits the individual to discover experiences and information outside of their normal comfort zone.



With so many people needing help and support but not knowing where to turn to, it's important to understand what can have nourishing effects versus create more stress. For some, getting a analysis by a medical doctor is comforting and reassuring to know that mental health can be treated in the context of psychological services and medication options. For some, this approach can create more stress due to a sense of judgement and labels that might not be empowering or constructive to how they're feeling. What seems to work very well, is the following:

  • Non-judgement support through active listening and compassionate reflection - leading the person towards understanding their situation rather than judging it as "bad", "crazy", "overreactive".

  • Lowering stress levels so that increased pressure doesn't create a more dysregulated nervous system.

  • Making sure the person has adequate nutrition and rest.

  • Pursuing calming activities to help manage any stress responses like walking, drawing, dancing, crafting.

  • Spiritual support that is aligned with the person's belief systems that doesn't complicate the situation.

  • Other therapies like bodywork, acupuncture, yoga, naturopathy, shamanic healing, sound healing and guided mediation also help the body of the individual stay strong and regulated through the experience.


When it comes to supporting people you care about, remember that what most of us need through any intense situation is....CONNECTION. We break the bonds of connection when we judge, over-analyse and fear the person's change as threatening to our own. It's important that we actively listen, reflect and help that person to take action towards behaviour that lend to better health, stability and nourishment. Sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is make sure our loved ones have someone to talk to, a warm meal to eat and a reminder to sleep at the appropriate times. When looking towards a support network for the individual, it's important to find practitioners who will not judge their experiences, but rather go through it with them. Even when we fear for their sanity, we can lean into the chaos and hold their hand through what can be a scary experience.  


With so many souls awakening at the same time, we can offer authentic service to others by sharing our experiences and what worked for us in terms of healing and returning to stability and balance. This is one of our focal points in creating a supportive network at The Ankara Online Portal, providing a compassionate community and online portal where anyone can join and feel understood through their awakening. We have coaches to listen and reflect, challenges aligned with healthy habits and ways to access healers and practitioners that authentically know how to support others having gone through their own awakenings. If you know anyone who needs support, or wants to create a more nourishing environment for themselves, please click on the link and start a 7 day free trial!

The Ankara Online Portal


Here is a snapshot of what happens in the portal through our livestream sessions: