What is a Spiritual Ego?

self-care signs of spiritual ego spiritual awakening spiritual challenges Jul 13, 2024

I wanted to express some ideas about the various "ego traps" that can occur when embarking on a spiritual path. As we move towards a more awakened state, the passage is often through an ego death. This is characterised by perceiving the self as unimportant, often through loss or tragedy. We become aware of the other factors involved with our human experience, forces that are more powerful than us, or the version of self we have been upholding. In essence, ego death is a humbling experience, where we see ourselves as the smallest part of an incredibly powerful universe.


How does ego death lead to the spiritual path?

Most of the time, ego death arises from dire situations of loss, frustration, trauma or failure. Through this fracture in our reality, we begin to realise how insignificant our desperate pleas to feel important and special are, and the lengths that our ego would convince us to uphold such needs. When we are forced to see the world as revolving around a higher structure, rather than around ourselves, we reach a potent awakening point! This awakening has us reorganise and restructure our entire belief systems from self-centred comfort to self-affirming purpose. Many people who live through a spiritual awakening, however messy and confronting it is, will tell you that their beliefs shift from achievement and comfort, to purpose and connection. It seems that we find a connection to spirit when circumstances outside of our control, lead us away from a rational life towards one where we embrace that we are not our own "god" anymore.


How does a spiritual awakening lead to a spiritual ego?

The spiritual path can be intoxicating in the way that we are drawn towards helping and serving others. Where there was only self-serving beliefs before, we can now embrace a greater sense of purpose towards being useful to other people in our lives, or in our community. Once the awakening has changed our beliefs systems, we begin a new chapter in search of serving something greater than ourselves. The tricky part is, even though ego death opens the doors to a more spiritual life, the ego lives on. As the ego resurfaces, somewhat battered and bruised, it still must serve its purpose of protecting us and organising our reality around a sense of self. As the ego continues to tell the stories of how we are playing a part in this world, there is a risk that these stories will convince us that we are better than others because of our newfound purpose. As soon as begin to run on a sense of superiority over those who aren't on the same path, the spiritual ego arises. This can drive condescending opinions, judgemental behaviour and actively using people's vulnerabilities as fuel for heightened importance. An attitude of being better, wiser, more whole and in greater knowing that the ego begins to surface seeking the validation it did before.


What are the risks of developing a Spiritual Ego?

If we take the ego bait that we have, in fact, more awareness and understanding of the universe and our connection to it than others, the risks are dire. You see, its in our surrender and discipline for higher meaning that we found our awakening point. We must also maintain a humbled state through the rituals and processes that keep our ego in check and allow us to keep feasting on the wisdom of the universe and the spiritual beings that guide us. If our actions begin to align with superiority and our spiritual ego's, the habits and behaviours we will succumb to will lower our vibration once again. We might seek followers and convince others that we are enlightened in some way. We might even be able to prove to ourselves that we have reached a superior state. However, when the ego drives, a self-centred reality will prevail, where we are left to resist greed and disconnection to others and uphold this "special" status. Having a strong ego might attract followers, but will not replace true connection. A spiritual life will bring you into harmony with yourself and others. The risk of allowing a spiritual ego to be at the centre of your life is becoming disconnected from others and your true purpose...connection to yourself and spirit.


How can we prevent the trap of a spiritual ego?

There is so much wisdom in why a path of spiritual devotion was always hallmarked by poverty and celibacy. Through ancient times, those dedicated to a spiritual path always took vows that shielded them from the traps of the ego. Priests, nuns, monks and shamans-of-old knew what sacrifices they needed to make to stay devoted to their spiritual purpose. Our modern lives are blessed with freedom and abundance. However, when it comes to living aligned with a spiritual path, we are responsible for our own values, boundaries and accountability. What keeps us humbled and in service to our purpose, is entirely ours to create.

Here's an awesome blog post with some really great indicators of when a spiritual ego has taken over: https://symbosity.com/spiritual-ego/


What are some ways to stay humbled on the spiritual path?

For me, I have found ways to keep my own ego in check over the years, embracing the necessary discomfort of being in service. I never claim to have any special powers or even heightened intuition. Everything I teach others, I do myself and have done for many years. I can only talk through my own life experience honestly, the ups and downs of pursuing a spiritual life and how difficult that can be. I make plenty of mistakes, accept failure as a part of life, pursue projects that will humble me through discomfort, and make sure at all times that I am serving authentic expression. This all takes discipline and dedication to habits and rituals that remind me that I'm not in control of what happens around me. I am merely the observer. I have defined physical limits, need a support system and measure my progress on how open-hearted I remain. I have personally found that devoting each day to spiritual self-care to be the centre of remaining in check of my ego. This means a lot of meditation, learning, time in nature, and time centred around loving connection with others without agenda. It's a tricky paradigm to navigate, there always seems to be lengthy discussions between my ego, my guiding team and my higher self regarding what expression of power is in alignment with a spiritual purpose. The trick is, to find ways to remind yourself that you are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, without any self-depreciating tendencies. To serve others without them ever becoming dependent on you. To empower yourself to be of high integrity, so that you are aware of your intentions at all times. To address mistakes and failures by taking responsibility and working towards repair. To be honest and vulnerable about your own struggle to stay connected to purpose and away from too much hedonism. To actively seek out experiences where you aren't right, you don't know it all and you have much to learn! All the while working towards self-acceptance, self-responsibility and self-love. My devotion to this life long pursuit of balance provides enough spiritual substance and opportunities to surrender, hopefully keeping me in check of an egoic framework.


 I found a video that describes some of these concepts very well, I hope you enjoy it...