Will you thrive after your spiritual awakening?

self-awareness signs of spiritual awakening spiritual growth spiritual transformation Sep 22, 2024

I believe there comes a time in the recovery phases of a spiritual awakening, where we have a conscious choice to make. Are we going to return to stability after a period of emotional and spiritual chaos? Or are we going to integrate the deep work we have done in order to thrive and keep awakening exponentially?


As a process, a spiritual awakening creates and evolutionary shift for an individual to become more self-aware, more understanding of their relationship to their environment and more conscious to the different dimensions of their reality and themselves.


If you're interested in how a awakening presents and persists, check out my other blog post here: https://www.theankaraacademy.com/post/am-i-going-crazy-or-is-it-a-spiritual-awakening


After the dark night of the soul, there is period of re-stabilising that many people would say is slow and arduous, but necessary. Once we find that our emotions stabilise, our nervous system regulates and clarity returns, there seems to be an opportunity for choice. The wish to simply "get back to being you" is a healthy one, but what are the risks of stagnating again? I've seen many people over the years finally make it out of their awakening, only to be scared to take the next leaps. Of course, feeling like they've been through a spiritual war of sorts is normal, and there must be emphasis on rest. However, are we at risk of simply returning to a life that doesn't light us up? Just like before we awakened?


There are pressures in life that we must return to, like paying the bills and creating security, but how do we thrive? Thriving means integrating those deeper questions around purpose and service during the dark night of the soul. Thriving can also represent protecting ourselves from needing another big loss or disease before we return to our highest needs again. To thrive spiritually, is to find a sense of purpose or stewardship in how we spend our time. To be of service, is simply to be useful to those around us, to solve problems and help others to feel supported and manage their own painful experiences. There are so many ways to be of service to others, however, if we return to the lifestyle and work that "simply pays the bills", we run a big risk of returning into the depths of burnout and emotional emptiness. Many people perceive being of service as restricted to helping people, particularly without asking for anything in return. However, being of service can mean finding passionate ways to solve problems for society and our communities. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs are completely dedicated to serving their clients, whether that's through providing services that make their lives easier, or creating products that empower and bring ease. When we can think creatively about what serves our own awakening, and look towards preventing the same pain that we've experienced in our lives, magic happens! At The Ankara Academy, we often view our businesses and work as a seperate entity that we are evolving with. The pursuit of a meaningful life has us learning and growing alongside the work we choose to spend out days focusing on. I have found through my years as a coach, that most of the stress that healers, artists and space holders experience, comes from the control they want to have other how their business or brand operates. A simple shift in perspective can change everything...how does your business or brand what to expressed in the world? And how can you serve this expression, rather than force it?


As the author and speaker Adyashanti mentions in this article (https://www.resources.soundstrue.com/blog/life-awakening-adyashanti/), an awakening is like reaching a new door and getting one foot through the threshold. But as he states, "Just because you’ve gotten your foot in the front door doesn’t mean you have turned the lights on; it doesn’t mean you have learned to navigate in that different world that you’ve awakened to."


We must learn to navigate this new state of awareness and find our potential of an ever-unfolding awakening that continues to move us through evolutionary shifts gently and consistently. Even though the experience can be confronting at times, we must learn how to thrive in our new world. This might take even more change and dedication, but at least we can move forward bodly and protect our new found awareness and learn how to embrace a new way of living.


If you're interested in how to thrive after your awakening, we have regular coaching sessions, psychic readings and structured challenges to help you move through this experience with open hearted support. Our online portal is here: www.patreon.com/ankaraonline if you want to try a 7 day free trial!


You might also want to upgrade your knowledge about how to hold a spiritual awakening and thrive through our module 1 course called Synaptic Evolution. As of 2025, this course will be offered online an in-person near Brisbane. Check out the details here: .....


If you're interested in a taster of how this course flows, here's a video we made after our last course in early 2024: