Your intuition upgrade starts here!
Most people go about their everyday lives completely unaware of the specific ways in which their energetic bodies work, we want to help you become aware of these ancient principles and move from the mundane to the higher states of awareness & healing, using the framework of Synaptic Evolution to unlock the unlimited resources of body, mind and spirit.
This is a three-day intensive seminar holds the framework from which to sustainably and holistically ascend into higher states of awareness and health. Using the ancient principles of Chinese Medicine, you will embark on a journey over three full days of content addressing specifics of how the energetic body works and how to unlock more resources in the body, mind and spirit. If you have been looking for an individually tailored, practical plan towards loving yourself and taking care of your whole being, then this is it!
Through deliberate acts of self-care and honouring the body's need for harmony, this seminar will also address the complex tendencies for self-sabotage that get in the way of being healthier and happier. Through a container of connection and knowledge, you will also learn how to comprehensively set goals that align with your dreams as well as discover your core values and unlock all the things in life that bring you joy!
Your facilitator for this offering will be Heather Leighton, who has spent over 15 years working with individuals to unlock healing and health upgrades and support them towards more creative and purposeful lives.
This workshop is our MODULE 1 for those that want to embark upon their 12-month intuition development journey. This module will also be a pre-requisite to modules 2, 3 & 4, which will put you in touch with your spiritual guides in the lifetime and prepare you for a life of service and giving back to your community.
We have two options for you to explore this incredible learning experience in 2025:
Module 1:
Synaptic Evolution (Retreat)
Join us for a 3 day, 3 night retreat experience on March 21st - 24th at Worldsaway Retreat in QLD (ticket link below).
✔ Day 1: Our Future Timeline
✔ Day 2: Meaning & Purpose
✔ Day 3: Create A Life That Lights You Up!
Module 1:
Synaptic Evolution (Online)
Join our 8 week online container starting January 9th (bookings open very soon).
✔ Session 1: Sustainable Self Care
✔ Session 2: The Energy Heirarchy
✔ Session 3: The Sectors of Life
✔ Session 4: Chunking Down your Goals
✔ Session 5: Preparing for Intuition Development
✔ Session 6: The Quantum Language Technique
✔ Session 7: Psycho-spiritual Disease & Illness
✔ Session 8: Rebuilding
Module 1: Synaptic Evolution (Retreat)
Day 1: Our Future Timeline
(Where Are We Going?)
How the daily flow of each meridian system calls us towards healthy habits
How the sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems works to keep us calm, clear and adapting to change
How we can hack into more courage, better decisions and reduce stress
The energetic hierarchy in the body - what is responsible for our stress response and how can be make it work for us
A deep dive into how to optimise digestion, self-love and acceptance using the body's energy systems
The importance of sleep for a clear mind and better thinking patterns
Hacking the morning routine for better health, a clearer mind and cultivating a deeper connection with nature
The sectors of life: how to organise our 3D lives into segments of focus
Goal setting: how to set goals thoroughly and achieve them every time! Learns the tricks of goal setting so you will never sabotage your progress again!
Creating an action plan that transforms overwhelm into discipline
What we hear once day 1 is complete...
"I've realised that I've never set goals properly, no wonder I never achieve them!"
"The process of managing overwhelm is what I've always needed."
"I can see clearly which area of my life needs the most attention, which I've been avoiding."
"I can see why my sleep cycle has always been an issue and led to so many other problems."
What we hear once day 2 is complete...
"I knew I was burying emotions in my body, I just didn't know what to do about it!"
"I can finally make sense of my dreams and messages from spirit."
"It's clear to me now that my past has still had so much power over my decisions!"
"I can't stay angry forever, it's time to move on!"
Day 2: Meaning & Purpose
(Why Are We Here?)
Discover your core values (what you love most about your life)
Learn how to re-wire the brain towards achieving your goals & feeling nourished and purposeful along the way
The fundamentals of how to access your intuition
Learn the only way to truly stand grounded at all times through the ancient chakra system
Recover and re-centre after any chaos in your life with a simple technique
How to awaken creativity and sustain it over long periods of time
Problem solving using creative question - stop the cycle of recurring patterns in your life
Learn The Quantum Language Technique - how to decode any message from your higher self, whether that's a dream, recurring numbers or messages from spirits
Muscle Testing - learn a powerful kinesiology technique that will aid decision making and clarity when working towards your dreams
How to access the wisdom and learnings from your trauma so that you can clear your past completely of resentment
Learn The Psychic Surgery technique - how to pull out stuck emotions from the body and prevent illness and disease
Day 3: Create A Life That Lights You Up!
(Welcome To Authenticity)
Learn how to clear away old patterns, negative belief systems and self-sabotaging thoughts
How to meditate without the bullshit!
Learn how to dissolve fear programs held in the nervous system that say you're not good enough for the life that you want.
How to change your thoughts from negative & disempowering into positive & encouraging
How to set intentions for everything you do, so that your higher self can start creating what you want
Learn about Shadow Values: the ultimate hack for disempowering habits, addictions and coping mechanisms
Deep shadow work to understand what fuels the habits that you don't want but can't resist
Learn how to surrender: the ultimate practice of letting go
Learn how to access your future timelines and learn from them so that anxiety doesn't ruin your days.
There will be ample time for Q & A throughout the program. Your facilitator will add to the program according to the needs of the group, often covering more topics than planned.
What we hear once day 3 is complete...
"I know what I'm here to do, and now I have an action plan too!"
"I finally have the clarity to move forward and improve my life. It's as if a cloud has been lifted from my mind and I can see clearly what I need to do."
Do you have any questions?
Module 1: Synaptic Evolution (Online)

Session 1:
Sustainable Self Care
✔ The Traditional Chinese Medicine Body Clock
✔ How to Use this Clock for Healing
✔ Q & A

Session 2:
The Energy Heirarchy
✔ Who’s in Charge? Your Ego or Your Heart?
✔ Sleeping Cycles and Hacking
✔ Q & A

Session 3:
The Sectors of Life
✔ How the Sectors Bring Clarity?
✔ Goal Setting
✔ Set Your Goal
✔ Q & A

Session 4:
Chunking Down your Goals
✔ Core Value Alignment
✔ Aligning Your values with Your Goals
✔ Q & A

Session 5:
Preparing for Intuition Development
✔ The Trouble Makers: The First 3 Centres of the chakra system
✔ Creative Questioning and Problem-Solving
✔ Q & A

Session 6:
The Quantum Language Technique
✔ Muscle Testing
✔ Neural Networks and Trauma
✔ Q & A

Session 7: Psycho-spiritual Disease & Illness
✔ Dissolving Fear in the Body
✔ Guided Meditation for Removing Trapped Emotions
✔ Q & A

Session 8: Rebuilding
✔ Affirmations
✔ Intention Setting
✔ Surrender
✔ Q & A
What did past participants say...

"All the layers that are peeled back within us and uncovered so gently and with deep love and grace. I am a forever student of yours and your amazing work. So gifted and needed within this world - I am deeply honoured and grateful."
RENE 2022

"Just brilliant!"
LISA 2021

"Insightful, life enhancing, safe space & like minds."
IAN 2021

"The awakening needed to ascend."
RHI 2021